Selected Hosts for your eCommerce success
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Category: Uncategorised
Published: Thursday, 20 August 2015 18:48
Written by Super User
Hits: 2565
Hosting is an important part of the success of your business. VirtueMart has selected some hosts companies for their performance specialized in hosting VirtueMart shops:
High performance VirtueMart Hosting featuring 300% faster hosting than the competition on our SwiftServer SSDs! A2 Hosting is even a Global Joomla Sponsor and their 24/7 Guru Crew Support team will install VirtueMart for you!
Joomla! Software as a Service - Application and Hosting Support all in One Package. We specialize in Joomla! hosting and support.
Unser Shop-Paket ist ideal für Website-Betreiber, die im Internet einen Shop betreiben oder ihren Besuchern einen Katalog mit Produkten präsentieren möchten. In dieses Paket haben wir für Sie den VirtueMart Webshop mit Joomla 2.5 und VM 2.0 (inkl. kostenlosem Template eines VirtueMart-Entwicklers) integriert.
If you have chosen to use VirtueMart shopping cart addon for Joomla to build your online shop, you can count on our unique handmade hosting solution. We provide multiple server locations, free CDN and advanced caching options to make both yours and your customers’ experience with VirtueMart really fast and enjoyable. We also make sure that your VirtueMart website is safer and better supported than anywhere else!
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